Monday, January 19, 2009

The Proud And Arrogant gUO Admits Defeat

All they needed was a lousy $15,000 to file an appeal.

In a typical display of double-talk, the gUO losers essentially surrendered to Fishers annexation. The leaders of Fishers have always been "magnanimous" enough not to tell the rest of our community when they knew gUO had run out of support (money) from the majority of (intelligent) residents. In spite of all of the indignation and false bravado they've displayed in the past couple of years, the gUO decides to tuck tail, cut and run. Of course they'll justify it to themselves by saying that a state mandated property tax cap will make the new municipal taxes palatable but everyone knows the real reason why they had to give up.

So, after all of the nasty personal attacks on the FTC, the crappy parody songs, the whining and crying about this being just like the American revolution, the passionate speeches at their first meeting in the HSE cafeteria and the promises to fight the annexation "all the way to the Supreme Court" the gUO goes out with a whimper. What a waste. But hey, at least we get to say...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that he failed in his efforts to stop the annexation, Pete Peterson is running for Fishers Town Council. He sued to specifically not be part of our community. Now he expects the residents he sued to vote to elect him to lead our community. Is he nuts? "Say No To Pete!" "Friends Don't Let Friends Get Peterson'ed!"