Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Fall Creek Has A Fire Sale And gUO Steals The Money!

Recently the Fall Creek Township board voted to sell a piece of township property (the building and surrounding land that currently houses the fire station at 116th and Brook School Road) to the Town of Fishers. The reason for selling this property was to make up a short fall of funds to pay the current fire contract for the "un-annexed" areas in the township. The proposed purchase price of the property is $916,000.00 and the current outstanding debt to the Town of Fishers for fire protection services is *GASP* a little over $916,000.00! The amount of the bill should be assessed TOTALLY to the un-annexed areas.

Is anyone besides me (a Fall Creek Twp. resident) upset that property belonging to EVERYONE in the township is being sold to pay gUOs fire bill? Just another example of Fishers residents footing the bill for the gUO deadbeats. I also must wonder if the Fall Creek board is stacked in favor of gUO. For a small $100-$200 average per property assessment the township could have paid the bill. Could it be that they didn't want to have to explain to each and every resident why they needed the money? All's well that ends well though. At least now Fishers has the gUO by the short and curlys. Like a little game of Monopoly!, Fishers just built a hotel at 116th and Brooks School and it won't be long until the gUO thimble lands on that space.

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