Sunday, March 26, 2006

"Facts" and "Truth", What Am I Missing?

So what is an idiot? Dictionary definition is "a person of subnormal intelligence"

"If you ever wish to talk about FACTS, or the TRUTH, feel free to send me
mail. Until then, you have become nothing more than a Useful Idiot. Keep
up the good work. You're helping our cause immensely."

So writes one of the many people who DID NOT take the atgeist.joke guy's advice to ignore me. Well I'm certainly no genius but they tell me that my SAT scores would qualify me for membership in Mensa sooooo I don't think I fit that description. Let's look at a few more...

"It is obvious that you are a clueless person-whoever you are."

Since this is all that this person saw fit to write I guess they really didn't have anything else constructive to add.


Moron:*Originally a scientific term, coined by psychologist Henry Goddard from a Greek word meaning "foolish", and used to describe a person with a genetically determined mental age between 8 and 12 on the Binet scale. It was also once applied to people with an IQ of 51-70 and was a step up from "imbecile" (IQ of 26-50) and two steps up from "idiot" (IQ of 0-25)... (Wow I moved up two steps from idiot!!!)

"And what is YOUR motivation to stand on the side of the interlopers, Fishers? Are you proposing that anytime a two bit Township needs more tax base to 'tax and spend', they should be allowed the freedom to just make a land grab? Huh?

Perhaps, you don't want to understand that the Geist folks just want to be left alone. They already have all the services they want/need, Thank You. Anything wrong with that?"

Hey an actual response that wasn't just some derogatory flaming! This person obviously hasn't read the heading above or the previous writings here about MY motivation. Too bad the legal argument has nothing to do with providing additional services to these folks. I never did understand why "tax and spend" is such a bad thing. Personally, I'd really be more upset if the taxes I paid were NOT spent. More emotional, stolen-from-rush-limbaugh drivel.

"Wow!!! Good luck with your blog. You'd think that the Geist folks are being annexed into a ghetto by the way they are flapping their gums ... it's nice to see another viewpoint!"

This one speaks for itself. I hope more current Fishers residents will come by here and echo these sentiments.

Funny, the mention of "facts" and "truth" since the gUO group fails to share all the facts nor the whole truth with those they purport to represent. I'm not asking for a dissertation but why can't they repudiate even ONE thing I've said. The FACT is, they ARE contiguous to the town and they should rightfully be annexed (As should a hundred other properties bounded by the corporation). The Town of Fishers only has to prove that it is capable of providing town services to this area in order to defeat the remonstrance. Since the town is already in great financial shape and receives awards on a regular basis for its accuracy in accounting that should be easy. It's really too bad that the owners of the average value homes are caught between the town and the geist millionaires.

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